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About SATORI Research Lab

SATORI is an acronym for GeoSpAtial daTa-mOdel-aRtificial Intelligence.

The SATORI Research Lab for coupled natural-human systems brings together expertise from different disciplines and collaborating university groups. The aim is joint high-impact research, education, and outreach on coupled natural-human systems using geospatial data, physically based models, AI technologies, and participatory approaches to address compelling global change and sustainability challenges. 

We are committed to advancing global change and sustainability science through interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, using in particular various water facets and aspects as a blue thread through this research. We are dedicated to conducting high-quality frontier research that also has real-world impact. We are excited to work with partners from academia, government, and industry for co-creation of research that is both scientifically rigorous and practically relevant.

SATORI Research Lab is also dedicated to education and training of early career scientists. The institutions in our collaboration network (strategic partners) offer a range of educational opportunities, including PhD education, workshops, seminars, internships, and Master’s and undergraduate courses providing the skills and knowledge that early career scientists need to succeed. We are proud to have a diverse and talented group of students and researchers, and are committed to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment that promotes intellectual growth and professional development.

The SATORI Research Lab is hosted by the University Alliance Stockholm Trio, comprising of Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University as part of the initiative Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Action. SATORI brings together the combined expertise of the university alliance in collaboration with strategic partners including the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).

If you want to let us know about a new SATORI project or if you have news that would be suitable for SATORI. Please use this web form.

The SATORI Research Lab website is managed and supported by WaterCentre@KTH and its administritative staff. For any questions regarding the website please contact: