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Coupled freshwater variations, trends and their drivers around the world

The project aims at deciphering variability and change trends of key water conditions on land, in different parts of the world and over different scales up to global.

The research regards: (A) how variations and changes in groundwater flow and storage relate to those at or close to the land surface, in precipitation, evapotranspiration, surface water runoff and soil moisture; (B) if and how space can substitute for time in predicting effects of climate change and/or human land- and water-use developments on integrated freshwater system changes; and if human land- and water- use developments, including groundwater extraction, drive integrated freshwater system changes (C) of similar severity as climate change and (D) beyond possible tipping points to particularly severe/irreversible impacts for societies and ecosystems.

The project will synthesize data and model advances in a new open access resource with two interrelated components: WaterBank - a database resource, and WaterToolkit - an analytics resource. The central goal of this development is to accelerate research progress and stimulate and bootstrap new investigations with a coherent integrated approach to the world’s freshwater system. As an added value during its operation and as its legacy, the program will also provide essential scientific underpinning for sustainable water resource planning, strategies, policies and management.

Project period



The Swedish Research Council (VR)

Contact person

Other SATORI participants

Mohanna Zarei (SU)

More information in the Swecris database

Coupled freshwater variations, trends and their drivers around the world  (In Swedish)