Innovation and partnerships for effective programs of measures for good water quality and ecological status
The project compiles available data for testing of recently developed, innovative methods to distinguish the contributions from both active and long-lived legacy sources to the total waterborne loads of nutrients from land to sea.

Distinguishing these contributions is needed because different types and localizations of measures are needed to effectively target and mitigate these different source contributions. To meet the challenge of achieving significant and sustainable water quality improvements, new data syntheses are also needed to test and further develop novel (combinations of) methods and solutions and their effectiveness, using both new scientific understanding and site-specific practical knowledge. A pilot study in the project focuses on Askrikefjärden for investigating and developing relevant pathways forward in these respects. Such pathways also include participatory research approaches, with multi-actor networks and communication platforms for synergistic collaboration in identifying, planning and implementing effective measures to achieve good water quality and good ecological aquatic status.
Project period
Contact person
Other SATORI participants
Carla Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal)