PUDDLE JUMP: Promoting Upstream-Downstream Directed Linkages in the Environment: “Joined-Up” Management Perspectives
PUDDLE JUMP will contribute to “joined up” thinking about hydrological and other ecosystem services that can be provided by small artificial waterbodies.

Small artificial waterbodies (SAWs: ponds and wetlands) are found in many urban, agricultural and forest landscapes. When designed, located and managed appropriately, they can be multifunctional solutions for flood and drought risk mitigation, biodiversity promotion and ecosystem services (ES) delivery. Using a catchment-oriented approach, PUDDLE JUMP tests how SAWs can manage water flows and will focus on SAW placement to mitigate against extreme hydrological events (both floods and drought). We investigates the recreational and social ES offered by SAWs, and use citizen science methods to increase public awareness of the multiple ES that SAWs provide. We analyse the national and international policy context for SAWs focusing on multi-level governance and actions to meet both Water Framework and Floods Directive requirements.
Project period
Contact person
Other SATORI participants
Carla Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal)