Sustainable water supply, clean water availability in the changing climate
This is a main project component at Stockholm University of an overarching multi-stakeholder project on sustainable freshwater supply at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), with active participation from academia, the public sector and industry.

The overarching IVA project provides a platform for actors in the water sector to meet and interact on important water research, development and management issues with three main perspectives:
- Water as a limited resource – its cycle and management
- Climate change – water-related consequences
- Urban water - how to secure water supply in growing cities and communities
With these perspectives and SU-component focus on the climate change objective (2), the project aims to identify areas that lack or require more research efforts, and possible new engineered and/or nature-based solutions for managing major water-related challenges and problems. These include achievement of Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with focus on SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation and other water-related SDGs, such as SGD 13 on climate change.
Project period
Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management